The past two quarters have seen significant value added to several properties held by TRI the Hemlo, Shebandowan and Opinaca gold camps.
The Hemlo Gold Camp home to Barrick Gold’s William’s mine has seen continued exploration and very positive announcements by Barrick during the second and third quarters of 2017. These announcements by Barrick further illustrate the focus of its management on expanding the operations of their flagship Canadian operation. For an overview of Barrick’s expansion at Hemlo, please refer to (youtu.be/a-upee1oOY0).
Barrick’s 30 year Williams Mine operation consists of an open-pit and an underground mine and both are now slated to run until least until 2021, according to Barrick. A study on the open pit mine is set to be completed at the end of this year and an analysis of the underground mine is expected to be completed by early 2018. Barrick launched these studies following its “access to an increased land package and encouraging exploration drilling results.”
Specifically, according to a spokesman for Barrick, “The mine’s current reserve is now 1.6 million ounces of gold and we believe there is good potential to add additional reserves in the future.”
On April 25, 2017 Barrick issued a NI 43-101 Report entitled, “TECHNICAL REPORT ON THE HEMLO MINE” which may be found on SEDAR. This report describes the current resources and a recommendation to conduct further exploration to determine the future potential of the mine. Among other recommendations, the report states:
Significant mineral potential has been recognized in newly-acquired claims west of the current underground workings. This will require a concerted effort in a multi-year exploration program to find and define this potential. RPA [the author of the report] recommends continued funding of this exploration effort.
During 2016-17, as more positive news emanated from Hemlo gold camp, other junior mining companies staked and/or negotiated the acquisition of more than 100,000 acres in the immediate vicinity of TRI’s properties. Exploration activities and ongoing news releases by these companies, including Barrick; will no doubt provide continuing investor interest in the area. For example, two of these junior companies (Canadian Orebodies and Golden Peak Minerals) recently raised approximately $9 million based on what they believe are well-positioned properties and expected future news emanating from the Hemlo Camp.
In early 2014, management of TRI decided to acquire property in the Hemlo camp, starting with the acquisition of Hemlo South, a 3,300+ acre option within 1,100 metres and adjacent to Barrick’s open pit mine. This decision was based on two factors: (a) the belief that while highly productive during the course of its history, the Hemlo Gold Camp is still vastly unexplored; and (b) the probability of the price of gold starting to resume an uptrend in 2016-17. Accordingly, TRI did not want to miss the opportunity of acquiring such a promising property then available at a relatively favorable price.
Subsequently, management of TRI acquired additional Hemlo properties concentrating on strategic locations of geological merit. These included Hemlo West, Hemlo Black River, Hemlo North and Hemlo Pinegrove thereby expanding the Company’s land coverage in the Hemlo Gold Camp to 22,500+ acres.
To advance the value of these properties, during the third quarter of 2017, TRI completed work on the Hemlo North property. This consisted of trail work, excavating and prospecting – all in order to better determine the geological structure in the immediate area. The next target of exploration will be the Hemlo West property, currently scheduled for late fall 2017 with a winter drill program to follow.
In early March 2017, management of TRI signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Trojan Gold Inc. (TGI) a private company, presently seeking listing on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE). The LOI, resulted in a Joint Venture (J/V) agreement with TGI, whereby TGI acquired a 50% working interest in the Hemlo South property, for cash, shares and a work commitment. Work on the property commenced during the third quarter of 2017, including drilling and this work is to be followed up with soil analysis and testing during 2017-2018. In addition, in a subsequent transfer of its interest in a Dominican Republic resource company to TGI, TRI acquired a material quantum of shares in TGI and the right to appoint a Director to a seat on TGI’s board.
Due to its strategic land positions and its interest in TGI, TRI is now very well-positioned to participate in the future growth in the Hemlo Gold Camp.
As indicated in an earlier news release, the Shebandowan Gold Camp (SGC) has recently taken on a new life, partly caused by the increasing exploration by mid-size producer, Wesdome Gold Mines (WDO: TSX). Wesdome has initiated a large, $5 million drill program to expand its already existing 3 million+ ounce Moss Lake deposit, situated approximately seven kilometres south of TRI’s 12,000+ acre Larose property.
In early 2016, Wesdome announced the purchase of adjoining properties, further adding to the speculation in the area. This was followed shortly afterwards by other junior companies, including Kesselrun Resources, White Metals Resources Corp. and TRI’s J/V partner at Hemlo South, Trojan Gold Inc. (TGI), which acquired approximately 12,000+ acres adjacent and to the north-east of TRI’s Larose property.
During the second and third quarter of 2017, TRI’s Larose property was the subject of continuing field work, including trenching, mapping, sampling and drill pad placement for further fall and winter drilling. The Larose continues to provide extraordinary high-grade samples, including those gathered by the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines’ geologists during July and August of this year.
Most important, one of our own field geologists, Alex Pleson accompanied by local prospector Bill Spade, made a very interesting new gold discovery in an area of extensive overburden. The following is an overview of the new discovery prepared by our in-house Geologist, Dr. Colin Bowdidge;
A short program of mapping and prospecting on the Larose property in July 2017 resulted in a new discovery of gold mineralization. A single rock sample assayed 5.27 grams per tonne of gold in a shear zone that is parallel to, but 1200 metres southeast of, the Larose shear. Although previous work had focused mainly on the Larose shear, with its gold mineralization scattered along a minimum 4.5 kilometre strike length, a program carried out by Golden Share Mining Corporation in 2011 did take a wider look. Golden Share identified two additional shear systems; the Tribute shear and the Lys shear, 2600 metres northwest and 600 metres southeast of the Larose shear respectively. However, they only reported very low gold values. The new gold-bearing sample (W064676) is a sheared greywacke-type metasediment with quartz-carbonate veins and minor disseminated pyrite. This photograph shows its character well. It is typical of “greenstone type” shear hosted gold mineralization, where the veining and gold mineralization are contemporaneous with the shearing. This makes it different from the Larose shear system, where the quartz veins are actually tiny veinlets that appear to pre-date the deformation. The fact that this new discovery is close to the contact with volcanic rocks and the “Boundary Fault” the major structure that generally follows the volcanicsedimentary contact also puts it in a favourable location for greenstone-type gold.
The deep red colour in the photograph is hematite stain due to weathering, and is not a characteristic of the primary rock. The orange is a weathering product of carbonate, and the colour is indicative of ankerite, which along with other iron-carbonate minerals is the most common alteration mineral in and around greenstone gold deposits.
On the geology map of Fred Harris (1967), the new discovery is adjacent to a small intrusion of syenite, which is compositionally different from the quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes that tend to be associated with the gold zones in the Larose shear system. However, syenite and intrusive rocks of similar type are often associated with greenstone type gold deposits, e.g. Kirkland Lake (22 million ounces produced, ±4 million ounces reserves plus resources, still growing) and Osisko-Malrtic (11 million ounces). A “condensed” certificate of analysis is attached. It illustrates a comparison between W064676 and two samples from the Northeast View trench on the Larose shear system. The Larose samples show strong enrichment in copper, zinc and lead, and in one case, of arsenic too. The new discovery is not anomalous in any of these elements, but it does have a very slight enrichment in tungsten (W). Tungsten is a very common by-product from greenstone-type gold mines. In my opinion, the new gold discovery has all of the most important features that characterize greenstone-type gold mineralization, and has the potential to develop into a substantial deposit. Although outcrop in the area is said to be sparse, I am optimistic that additional prospecting and mapping that will take place over the next week, will tell us a lot more about the size of the shear system, and the extent and continuity of the associated gold mineralization. I am optimistic.
Based on the new field work results, management of Tashota is optimistic that more discoveries will come forth in the fall-winter program of further trenching and drilling. In addition, White Metals Resource’s suggestions of good cobalt numbers in the old North Coldstream Mine, provides potential additional upside, given that TRI’s J/V partner in Hemlo South, TGI (in which TRI has a significant interest), is situated within 1,300 metres of the old North Coldstream Mine.
The James Bay region, home to Goldcorp’s Éléonore mine and host to five known deposits, is North America’s newest gold district. Several junior exploration companies including, Everton Resources, Azimut Explorations, Eastmain Resources, and Sirios Resources are active in the area. And, as previously reported, TRI has a 50% interest in an 18,000+ acre property in this area.
Of particular interest, Sirios Resources’ property (the Cheechoo Project) is situated approximately 18 kilometres west of TRI’s Opinaca property, and the Cheechoo has continued to produce very good drill hole numbers from their ongoing exploration work; including 9 m at 5.7 g/t Au, 3.1 m at 7.4 gms, 16 m at 2 gms.
What is especially interesting about Sirios’s results, including the 1 m at 159.3g/t Au, was that these results were obtained at the tonalite/meta-sediments contact, which is a similar geological structure as that believed to be in the Opinaca claims held by TRI.
Management of TRI is pleased to announce that one of our Directors, Rudy Wahl, was the recipient of an Honorary Doctor Degree of Science from Lakehead University in June of this year. Management of TRI takes this opportunity to congratulate Rudy on this great accomplishment, which was truly well-deserved. The presentation honouring Rudy is available on YouTube at: (www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEt14uF09QA&feature=youtu.be&t=1746).
The J/V agreement with TGI provides TRI with access to additional mining expertise including its board members: Dr. Mary Louise Hill, Professor of Geology at Lakehead University; Gerry D. White, past Resident Geologist with the Ontario Geological Survey OGS) of Ontario; and Quentin A. Snider, Band Administrator for the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation.
TRI management was pleased to be awarded the opportunity to be a scheduled speaker at the Mineral Exploration Information Session, held July 19-20th in Marathon, Ontario by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) hosted by Resident Geologists, Mark Puumala and Dorothy Campbell. TRI’s in-house geologist, Dr. Colin Bowdidge provided an update on TRI’s ongoing exploration and drilling in the Hemlo Camp. Several companies working in the Hemlo area, including Barrick Gold, also gave presentations on their work in progress in the camp.
For further information, please contact:
Charles J. Elbourne, President & CEO
Tashota Resources Inc.
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